blogger, Im not sure We can only hope for the best.. I've been
decorating and teaching for awhile now. I've been posting tutorials in
You Tube and people love them. Cake Friends have been asking for
more tutorials on gumpaste so now I have 2 DVD's for sale on my website

A flower easy enough for beginners but with details that will attract the more advanced. The second one is "How to Make Poinsettias". But in this blog I will start by talking about the tools I used on this DVD.
The tools I used are easy to find. I added some of them
in my webstore for those who want a one stop shop in the internet. Plus I decided to add in the things I love the most. I will keep adding more of them over time.
For those who are asking about the materials I used to make the Stargazer Lily, here is a photo with the basic things you might use.
- wire
- wire cutters
- pliers
- Thick and Thin Foam
- Ball Tool
- Needle Tool
- Florist Tape
- Petal Dust
- Cutter
- Veiner
As for the veiner, even though I teach how to
use the Wilton one, I do prefer the
Stargazer Lily Veiner. This veiner has beautiful
details that make the flower look incredible.
Even though I teach how to do the stamens and the center
without it, the mold makes it so easy that once you use it,
you are hooked!
This flower makes a statement, since it's so bold and beautiful.Once you learn to make it, you will absolutely fall in love with it. I will post some photos of cakes made with the Stargazer in
without it, the mold makes it so easy that once you use it,
you are hooked!
This flower makes a statement, since it's so bold and beautiful.Once you learn to make it, you will absolutely fall in love with it. I will post some photos of cakes made with the Stargazer in
my next blog, so you can have more ideas on how to use this flower on your cakes.
Remember, you can email me to or visit my website
In there you will find plenty of Tutorials about cake decorating.
As for now..this is my first blog!..I will add more to it so don't forget to subscribe.
See you around!
See you around!
Edna :)